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SLA Monitoring Genie - Introduction

The SLA Monitoring Platform Genie from Jilroy Software addresses the issue of online proactive SLA monitoring by enabling real-time monitoring of large numbers of parameters, in large organizations, using a single central collection station or a relatively small number of agents, to collect data from a large number of components in the enterprise. The product addresses all the existing monitoring needs of enterprises today, and focuses on scale and flexibility.

Discovering SLA Monitored Elements
The SLA Monitoring Platform Genie comes with a very powerful discovery tool that can extract data from almost any source (from network devices, to databases and files). The product can discover the full network of the enterprise, or discover selected nodes from the network.

Defining SLA Parameters
The SLA Monitoring Platform Genie enables the user to define the SLA parameters for each monitored element. The product uses this information to determine the recommended priority of a failing node.

Increasing Number of Monitored Parameters
The SLA Monitoring Platform Genie enables the user to determine which parameters will be monitored, on which components, and at what frequency. The selection is very robust and very simple. The user can define which parameters will be collected from which components, using filters on discovery information on the components. The product will know, based on the accepted result, what the status of the element is, and determine the priority required for handling an error event.

Multi-Protocol Parameter Collection
The SLA Monitoring Platform Genie is created to support multiple collection protocols. It currently supports the following protocols:
  • ICMP
  • SNMP
  • SQL
  • HTTP
  • CSV
  • Telnet
  • SSH
  • WMI
  • TCP Ports monitoring
and others. Its support of the monitoring protocols integrates with all its other capabilities, like support of increasing numbers of monitored parameters, and ease of installation and scale.

Simple Installation and Operation
The SLA Monitoring Platform Genie is created as a centralized monitoring product. It is centrally managed and controlled. It can operate on a single machine monitoring large numbers of parameters, on a large number of components, at a high frequency. When scale is required, it supports distribution of its components to additional machines. Its installation and use 'out of the box' are very simple, and enable the advanced user to tailor it to his or her exact needs.

Complex Correlations and Conditions on the Monitored Parameters
The SLA Monitoring Platform Genie has a built-in mechanism for defining correlation rules and conditions on the monitored data, including the historical data. Based on these correlation rules and conditions, events can be scheduled and event handlers launched.


The SLA Monitoring Platform Genie is designed for flexibility. There are several levels where this becomes obvious:
Monitoring Parameters Selection
With the SLA Monitoring Platform Genie, it is easy to define which parameters will be monitored, on which nodes, using filters and information discovered on the monitored components. It is not necessary to specify which parameters will be collected from each individual node. It is possible, and recommended, to use generic rules to define these values.

Graphical User Interface Flexibility
The product is designed with SLA in mind. It has reports that understand the SLA concept, and a mechanism to determine the priority that should be given to failing components. The product also supports topological maps with color propagation that show SLA related information. The product has simple built-in tools that enables the user to tailor his or her own User Interface to his or her exact needs. The user can change the product's menu, and add or remove query reports and topological maps. All these changes do not require any programing skills, and can be done at the site level.

The product also has a permission system that controls what each user can see. This enables customers to view SLA reports for their components only.

There is a Web based GUI designed especially for customers to see SLA reports of their monitored components.

Product's Components Location
In order to support scale, the product is designed to enable flexibility in the location of the product's components. These components can be moved from the server's central point to near by or remote computers/sites.

There is an option to locate monitoring agents in different organizations and to support any connection mode (connection from the agent to the data collector or vice versa, according to the organization's security policy).

SLA Monitoring Platform Genie is designed for scalability, in all the aspects mentioned above.

Component Count Scale
The product, out of the box, is created to enable the monitored components to collect data from a large number of components, simultaneously, from a single machine. However, the product supports having multiple collection processes, located either on the same machine or distributed in the enterprise. This capability enables scale, as monitoring different components can be distributed between different collection processes.

The product is created to enable collecting data from one component without effecting the collection of data from other components.

Collected Parameters Count Scale
Each collection process can collect multiple parameters from any given number of components. As described earlier, the scale in the number of monitored parameters is handled by adding more collection processes.

Monitoring Frequency
Since the product is designed to monitor many nodes simultaneously, there is no theoretical limit to the monitoring frequency, and the only actual limits are CPU, memory, and bandwidth, which are addressed by adding more collection processes, and distributing the monitored components between them.

Correlation Rules
The correlation rules analysis is performed by a special process. This process can also be duplicated and distributed if scale is required.

SLA Monitoring - White paper.

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